CheckUp Release Notes
Release 2.12(48) Android - June 20, 2021
New Warnings
Warnings after LCU tests for common mistakes and potential problems (short tests, distance tests, low battery).
Release 2.11 - June 14, 2021
New End User Terms
Option to always scan for new devices (Not to pair to 1 device)
Updated End User Terms
Result formatting fixes
Release 2.10 - May 31, 2021
Enhancements and fixes
Enhancements and fixes made to adding materials and LCUs
Support for enhanced clinic visibility for DSOs
Sticker ID limit increase (1-99)
Release 2.9 - March 16, 2021
Custom numeric keyboard
Now when you open CheckUp you'll arrive at your last used clinic and android users will be able to mark their tests as deleted. Bug fixes for editing light ID (custom Numeric Keyboard) and calibration. We've also added a few security enhancements.
Release 2.8 - March 10, 2021
Flag your tests
You can now flag your tests as deleted and they won't appear in your test history. Minor bug fixes for devices using iOS 12 or below and test duration.
Release 2.7 - February 3, 2021
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Get irradiance and your curing times too
Just ahead of Valentine’s Day, 2.7 is a love letter to our users - written with red and pink. We are always expanding to support more lights and materials that turn heads, and CheckUp can now happily measure irradiance of LEDC lights such as the “Pink Wave”! With its heart on its sleeve, CheckUp now also shows irradiance on the cure times page even when details are hidden, and we’ve added extra onboarding aids to underused pages that are looking for love. Finally, for quick access to fond memories, we’ve linked recent test results to the Light Details page as well! Whether you fall in love with a new light this season, or continue doting on an old faithful, accuracy should never play hard to get. So take off those rose coloured glasses (but wear your blue blocking ones), measure with CheckUp and kiss your uncertainty goodbye!
Release 2.6 - December 18, 2020
Trying on New Year’s dress
Yes it’s still December but we’re shopping for a new look - you may notice a subtle difference, the beginning of a full-fledged make over. We’ve updated logos across the app (and the company) here at Bluelight to show you a taste of what you’ll be seeing in 2021. Enjoy the sample size, because a new cross-CheckUp dress ‘code’ is coming, so swatch out! Farewell to 2020, we’re looking (fashion) forward to 2021!
Release 2.5 - November 23, 2020
Morning glory
We get it! You wake up in the morning, jump out of bed, and test your curing lights. And like your coffee, you take your cure times to-go, but wish you could’ve had them delivered. Well, now you can have them morning, noon or night, on-screen and in-op, with our new WebView Beta; accessible from the side menu in-app or with your credentials on the Bluelight website! Plus, this new CheckUp special comes with serial on the side - serial #s that is. We’ve blended your manufacturer’s serial # into light details, and also grouped your assorted materials in a new easy-to-read format on the test results page. Wake up and smell the curing times, CheckUp 2.5 is served!
Release 2.4 - October 29, 2020
Temperature Drops & Mode Dropdowns
The first snowflakes are landing in Atlantic Canada, along with a gentle dusting of CheckUp features. We’ve done a flurry of work in the mode selection area to help you easily navigate any setting that drifts your way, and for those of you using ‘xtra’ modes, you may find a little ‘extra’ help, in the form of a new ‘mode support’ feature we’re testing out! As well, we’ve wrapped up our multi-practice feature in a cozy bit of code so that any one can add practices & users without needing to go out in the cold, or call support. Finally, as you make tracks through the app, our success team can now detect screens where users are skating by, or freezing. It’s no joke, sweater weather is here, and so is CheckUp 2.4.
Release 2.3 - October 2, 2020
Ahoy Users!
October has made port, and so has a new CheckUp release. We’ve swabbed the decks of a few bugs with onboarding and tightened some knots on buttons and lists to ensure they’re in ship shape. There are new photos of models to help you add to your manifest of lights, and we’ve jettisoned some details we found stowed away in the notes section that weren’t adding value. We’ve also made it easier to test from any page or deck by adding yet another “start test” to your light details page. Finally, for captain and crew, we’ve added a list of alerts to the home page so that you can navigate any flags or flares that come up on your journey. All aboard for CheckUp 2.3 and full steam ahead!
Release 2.2 - September 14, 2020
Time to up-Grade
September is upon us and we are squaring up for a new semester! No need to be lost on your way to your first or fifteenth test, the “start new test” button gets you working from ‘home’ in no time! And that’s not where the ‘home’ work ends; we’ve also added some arithmetic to help users visualize where their restoration lunch money might be going. In addition, the new “users adding users” feature lets you expand your circle to include your whole practice with without any supervision. With these upgrades, plus new header, search and menu looks, we’ve really packed CheckUp with the accessories to stand out in its class!
Release 2.1 - August 6, 2020
Bright lights, big clinics!
2.0 rolled out the red carpet, but 2.1 is here to strut- and making an entrance to light testing has never been easier. Our sign up process is swifter and smoother, and we’re expanding the guestlist to support multiple clinics for any dentists and DSOs who wants to checkout several parties, without needing to head there in person. In fashion news, the last season history page is history, and the new ‘tests’ page is in the spot light to begin tests, review them, and showcase our newer simpler curing times display. We’ve also jazzed things up with a happy new testing chime and given celebrity-grade styling to pages that needed a little zhoozh. Finally, for those who want an extra behind-the-scenes look at what all those flashy new icons mean, simply tap them for a little explanation on what we’re serving in the new ‘info’ pop up. All those bright lights call for an *event*, and CheckUp is the belle of the ball.
Release 2.0 - July 10, 2020
Wait a 2nd!
It takes two to make a thing go right, and thankfully, CheckUp 2.0 is here. Welcome to our second major iteration, for you and your favourite plus-one. If you’re doing a double take, we don’t blame you; we’re happy to announce that checkUP is no longer a solo app, but one your whole team can join. We’ve recognized that the dynamic duo of DDS and DA typically act as a tandem twosome on restorations, and we support this two-pal (or more!) approach. This release also changes up navigation with a side menu to accompany our nav-bar to help you find what you need twice as fast. Doubling down on user experience, we’ve added in material data on irradiance requirements, streamlined “add test” functionality to match the materials and lights pages, and added new warnings to bring risks to your attention too. Finally, we've enhanced your light identifiers so they look like twins of your stickers, to make identifying the right light a breeze. Take a second to explore the new CheckUp, and add your team today!
Release 1.10 - April 30, 2020
Coming up roses!
Spring is here (in Canada) and CheckUp is absolutely blooming! We’ve been planting new features, like the beautiful real-time power feedback graph you’ll notice during tests, and vanquished some firmware bugs that had survived the winter. We’ve finished with some good old fashioned spring cleaning; gussying our fonts and polishing up our “Add Practice” and “History” page experiences. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and CheckUp is here to deliver what you'll need when you next step out into the world to practice.
Release 1.9 - February 4, 2020
Take note!
Nothing is worse than losing your place and reading the same thing over and over. Nothing is worse than losing your place and reading the same thing over and over. Nothing is worse than losing your place and reading the same thing over and over….you get the picture. This is why we’ve added the “Notes” feature to your CheckUp test records! Indicate infection control, debris, damage, duplicates or intention to delete to each test to help differentiate your records. Each test is unique, and now each record can be too. No need to lose your place; CheckUp is taking notes so you can understand all your results every time you look back.
Release 1.8 - December 23, 2019
New Year, New Release.
We know what you’re thinking “…but CheckUp just updated!” - you’re right! But that release was a farewell to 2019; this new release is the 2020 vision! Gone is the clunky look to the history screen, gone is the confusing colour palette on the results screen. Take a look at the smooth, sleek new grey that’ll having you saying #E0E0E0-Yeah, that's better! We've also removed the tedious two-step sign up process and we feel, over-all, lighter... lighter grey, lighter look, lighter work load. What's new 2020? We're keeping it light.
Release 1.7 - December 6, 2019
The Gift of 1.7
A release for the season of giving, CheckUp 1.7 comes wrapped up in a fresh new icon and branding; the only thing missing is a bow on top. Directly from customer letters to BlueLight’s elves, we’ve added a printable cure time chart that can be invoked from the history page to help keep all your restorations on the nice list. With new notifications to help keep you on top of your 2020 testing resolutions, CheckUp 1.7 is the gift that keeps on giving for a happy ending to 2019.
Release 1.6 - October 23, 2019
Feature Round Up
Focused on getting you in the saddle faster, our latest release has a carousel of images to help guide your first test and make your first CheckUp ride clear and easy. We’ve also updated our user terms and trotted out new pages for dental material and curing light management to help you ‘step right up’ to the info you need. Take software 1.6 for a spin with the latest in hardware (available this October!), and experience the two working in tandem like a perfect pair of prancing merry-go-round ponies.
Release 1.5 - September 23, 2019
Get Buff
We buffed up CheckUp’s communication this summer. This new tech does some serious heavy lifting to produce seamless communication that carries every bit and byte of light energy collected between hardware and software, without breaking a sweat. We’re sure you’ll find 1.5 to be a better, faster ‘whey’ of testing your light & getting your cure times.
Release 1.4 - August 1 2019
Raising the Bar
We’re headed to the bar to celebrate this new release, and by the bar, we mean the menu bar! We reduced navigation between tasks up to 8 clicks, and added snazzy new icons to show you exactly what it is on the menu you’re ordering. Flow through courses of materials, lights, tests and an upgraded history page to get your cure times faster than you can say “Cheers!”.
Release 1.3 - April 1, 2019
We've added user authentication and cloud data storage, as well as improvements to how CheckUp displays test results.
Release 1.2 - January 30, 2019
We've made some performance improvements around how CheckUp updates information with our online service.
Release 1.1 - January 2, 2019
We've added a few user experience improvements to make selecting materials easier and improved our support integration with Intercom.
Release 1.0 - Novemeber 21, 2018
Our initial release of CheckUp. Using our patent-pending technology, CheckUp allows users to test any curing light and dynamically calculate optimal curing times for any material selected.