
Dentists have a tough job. Modern dentistry requires a balance of art, science, and business, and it can be hard to keep up.

We publish free guides to help dentists stay on top of a core aspect of their dental work — restorative dentistry. They cover everything from the costs of composite restorations, to the specifics of testing curing lights. We hope you find them useful.


The Hidden Costs of Composite Restorations

Dr. Chris Salierno, DDS

Learn how to calculate costs and profit margins for composite restorations from Dr. Chris Salierno, DDS, and start making the right decisions for your dental practice.


How to Become a Curing Ninja

Dr. John Flucke, DDS

Learn how to become a ninja with your dental curing light. Dr. John Flucke shares three key things dentists can do to step up their curing skills and make their restorations last.


5 Steps to Better Bonding and Restoration Success

Dr. Martin Jablow, DMD

Dentists make over half their income from restorative procedures. Read this guide for expert advice to help you understand your materials and build a reputation for long-lasting bonding and reliable restorations.

Best Practice Guide: Monitoring Light Performance

Best Practice Guide: Monitoring Light Performance

Monitoring your curing lights is crucial but it’s easy to get lost in the details. Read this guide to get answers to common questions like, how often should I check my curing light? And what do I check with?