Finding Answers to Patient Sensitivity and Frustration

The effects of clinical issues on dentists and dental staff can be significant, especially when it comes to determining the root cause of a problem and finding a solution. A recent story encountered by Bluelight highlights this issue. A Montreal dentist was experiencing significant issues with patient sensitivity, with 37 patients returning to complain of post-treatment pain. The dentist was losing sleep trying to figure out what the problem was, suspecting that it was related to the materials they were using in their practice.

“A Montreal dentist was experiencing significant issues with patient sensitivity, with 37 patients returning to complain of post-treatment pain.”

However, their office manager reached out to Bluelight, a company that specializes in testing dental curing lights, to see if the problem could be related to their equipment. Post-op sensitivity is often associated with improper curing of resin-based materials, so Bluelight went to the practice and tested all four of the curing lights in clinical use. They found that one was in good working order, one was questionable in terms of its light intensity output, and two were woefully low in light output.

The dentist immediately replaced the poor performing lights and since then has had no recurrent issues with patient sensitivity. By performing a simple 10-second test on their curing lights, the dentist was able to alleviate a great deal of stress and avoid the prospect of having to change over all of their clinical materials, which would have been a much greater expense in terms of material waste and changing of clinical procedures to meet the specifications of the new instructions for use. Bluelight helped to save this doctor time, money, and sanity.

“They found that one (curing light) was in good working order, one was questionable in terms of its light intensity output, and two were woefully low in light output.”

Data from Bluelight shows that more than 50% of revenue-generating dental procedures require a curing light, yet the rate of curing light testing and validation in the industry is shockingly low but growing in awareness and importance. Proper light curing techniques have been found to be one of the most important factors in achieving a sufficient degree of polymerization of restorations, and delivering inadequate energy to the restoration can result in poor clinical performance. Curing due diligence plays a key role in reducing patient rework, premature restorative failure, patient sensitivity, and restorative discoloration.

Bluelight’s CheckUp Smart Radiometer provides answers to clinical outcome concerns and allows dentists and staff the ability to address them before they become bigger problems.

The mental health impact of trying to solve problems with no clear solution can be significant for dentists and dental staff. The stress and uncertainty of not knowing what is causing a problem can take a toll on their well-being. By taking a proactive approach and regularly testing and maintaining their equipment, dentists can ensure that they are providing the best possible care for their patients and reducing the risk of clinical issues.


Does Your Curing Light Measure Up?