The Hidden Risks of a Bad Curing Light [Infographic]

Curing lights don’t always get the attention they deserve. But they play a pivotal role in the success or failure of composite restorations.

An underperforming curing light can put your restoration procedures at risk and lead to post-op issues for your patients, which harm your reputation and revenue.

You might assume that your curing light either works or it doesn’t. If it emits a blue light then it must be working correctly. But it’s more complicated than that. Every curing light is different and light performance can change over time. It’s essential that dentists understand the risks that come with an untested, underperforming curing light.

We’ve broken down the hidden risks of a bad curing light in the infographic below. Take a look and think about your own curing light. Your patients trust you, but can you trust your curing light? The only way to be sure, is to test your curing lights regularly.

Hidden Risks of a Bad Curing Light Infographic

This infographic is being shared as part of our Test Weekly campaign, which we started to encourage dentists to get into a regular light testing habit at their dental practice.

CheckUp is the easiest way to test your curing lights regularly and track their performance over time. Click below to see how much it costs and what it includes.


Bluelight Analytics Joins Forces with 3M Oral Care to Introduce CheckUp


Is Your Curing Light as Effective as You Are? Why Dentists Need to Test Weekly