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Meet MARC - the patient that’s changing the way you cure!

After sharing the details of our latest curing light challenge with Dr. Gary Glassman from dentalcorp, we received more than a few questions about our patient simulator, so we figured it was a great time for all of you to meet MARC! 

Hailing from our Bluelight Lab here in Halifax, Nova Scotia, our exclusive light curing enabled patient simulator is named MARC, which stands for Managing Accurate Resin Curing.  At 10 years old, MARC has travelled the globe helping dentists learn more about the importance of their light curing technique. 

Simulators play an essential role in optimizing the outcome of dental procedures. What makes MARC different, however, is their ability to offer students and clinicians hands-on learning that helps optimize the delivery of light energy to a restoration. MARC uses real-time analytical feeback on performance and technique to help light operators develop the necessary skills to effectively use a tool that impacts over 50% of dental procedures.  

MARC is pretty famous in the light-curing world. To date, over 200 peer reviewed scientific articles have been published using the MARC patient simulator. MARC can also be found at over 50 universities and organizations around the world to help train dental students, dental assistants, and dentists. Not to mention being spotted at plenty of training sessions with DSO clinical teams and many tradeshows.  

The anatomy of MARC:  

MARC’s hardware and software components include: 

  • Mannequin head, bench mount and adjustable opening with simulated oral cavity 

  • Windows PC preloaded with easy-to-use software 

  • Anterior and posterior restoration optical sensors 

  • Spectrometer that measures curing light wavelengths and irradiance while delivering real-time performance metrics 

Want MARC?  

Contact us now to book one of our DSO training sessions or light curing workshops. If your dental school or research lab would like to purchase a MARC patient simulator of your own please email our chief scientist, Chris Felix to chat more. Each MARC is custom built-to-order with shipping in 6-8 weeks.