Calculate Optimal Cure Times For Your Dental Curing Lights and Materials

Bluelight Curing Time Calculator

Successful restorations rely on precise curing. However, every curing light and light-cured material is different, so you can’t use the same technique every time.

How long you cure for is key. A “one size fits all” approach is insufficient as different materials require different amounts of light energy, and sometimes different wavelengths of light, to fully polymerize.

The other side of the equation is the curing light. Curing lights interact with composite materials differently depending on the strength, consistency, and wavelength of light they emit.

The secret to finding an optimal cure time can be found in light and material instructions for use (IFUs). But sifting through and matching IFUs for every light and material combination in your practice can be a time-consuming task.

Looking for an alternative? Try our interactive curing time calculator and get recommended cure times for the specific lights and materials you use in your practice!

What the our curing time calculator will tell you

The Bluelight Curing Time Calculator will help you find out:

  • If your curing lights and materials are compatible

  • Recommended curing times to avoid post-op issues

  • How your light's output (irradiance) impacts curing times

Give it a try and let us know what you think! Bear in mind that the accuracy of your calculated curing times will be limited by the accuracy of the irradiance you enter (a measure of a curing light’s output).

You can use your curing light manufacturer’s stated irradiance as a starting point, but the only truly accurate measurement of irradiance will come from testing your light with a reliable radiometer or through a service like CheckMARC .

The calculator doesn’t account for every aspect of light curing, but we hope that it gets you thinking about how your lights and materials interact and the factors that impact curing times.

The Bluelight Curing Time Calculator offers a simplified version of just one aspect of the CheckUp app. CheckUp users get more in-depth and actionable curing insights that account for different light modes, potential heat concerns, maximum material increments, and much more. Learn more about CheckUp here.


Light Curing 101: Is Your Curing Light Putting Restorations at Risk? [Webinar]


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